Rated 4.9/5 by hundreds of happy customers.
With our proven offer strategy, you can...
Attract the clients you want to work with, and have them pay top dollar
Separate your business from you competitors
Compete with the big fish in the big ponds
Increase the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing
High Ticket Programs & Courses, Market Research Analyst, In-House Marketing Departments
With our lead generation strategies, you can...
We have marketing programs that include paid ads and neighborhood presence marketing.
Optimize for the perfect volume of new customers and best quality leads
With our ad buying process, you can
Have the proper attribution structures in place, dial in your pixel, identify problems and trends, and analyze performance to make the appropriate adjustments.
Rapidly deploy ad variations based on your top performing winners
Dial in your ads to maximize your marketing efforts
Media Buyer, Conversion Rate Specialist, Lead Generation Specialists
With our self-booking process, you can
Book more sales calls with a custom-built online calendar
Have a professionally designed sales funnel do most of the pre-selling for you
Filter out the tire kickers who just want the cheapest price
Convert more leads into qualified sales appointments
With our lead nurturing and follow-up strategies, you can...
Have the exact follow-up cadence that has been tested and refined over the past 15 years
Stop sending basic follow-up messages that repel prospects away and start using messaging that acts with human persuasion tendencies
Use the correct mix of automation and human interactions to maximize conversions and stop shooting yourself in the foot by overusing AI
With our show rate strategies, you can...
Understand the two main reasons why prospects don't show up to appointments
Have all of our best performing strategies in place, customized precisely for your business
Double, or even triple, your show rates once you have the process dialed in
With our cold closer training, you can...
Understand the main limiting factors on why people don't buy, and how to overcome them
Learn how to compartmentalize and tackle objections as they come
Increase revenue and eliminate wasted time by effectively closing as many sales as possible
Customer Surveys
Reviews & Referrals
Tracking Software
Competitor Analysis
A/B Split Testing
Landing Page Design
Email Follow-Ups
Booking Calendars
Dedicated CRM
The Chat in the Hat is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps great companies grow their revenue online. Get in touch: [email protected]